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Showing posts with label non-native teachers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label non-native teachers. Show all posts

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Amazing Talker


I have been teaching English to speakers of other languages for over 25 years. I have been coaching both face-to-face and in blended learning arrangements. In 2010 I
became a Premium Online English Teacher, since that time I have been specializing in
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Utilizing new technologies makes my teaching more efficient and pleasurable.
I highly appreciate an interaction as well as cooperation with my students from Amazing Talker.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Interview with Marek Kiczkowiak

Interview with Marek Kiczkowiak

Interview description

Marek shares his work in raising awareness of native speakerism with employers, teacher training organisations and customers. Marek looks at the need to discuss global English, address the different training needs and prepare trainees and learners expectations as best we can.

Marek points to the weak link in the cycle when he mentions marketers and agents.  I think students are open-minded about who they will consider a "real" teacher. It may be the prejudice of their parents that keeps this system going as well.  How are you going to reach the marketers? Do they go to conferences? Are they keeping up with the myriad of changes that come with our profession? If they do not, then it will be quite difficult for them to be on the side of the students and promote learning from a well-qualified teacher of whatever background.  Once the seller makes it clear that a product is no longer on offer, the buyers will have to adjust their wants to what is available.  Who doesn't enjoy a good rotary dial telephone?? But they are no longer for sale so we move on and make do with our smartphones.  And lo and behold, calls go through.  The same will happen in TEFL if agents can get the customer to move on to the next generation of product. 
Halina Ostankowicz- Bazan's picture

I am a Non- Native English Online Teacher looking for the line of work for a long time.
The biggest problem is my nonnativeness.
I have been offering English Conversational Online Courses for some time and had a lot of students participating for free.
Alas, when it comes to paid courses, nobody has decided to sign, nonetheless.
I would require the necessary question about how dependable is a teacher, what science does he use, what are the methods and the teaching effectiveness.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Język angielski lekcje i kursy indywidualne



                         Język angielski lekcje i kursy indywidualne


Ø Lekcje i kursy dla wszystkich, którzy szybko chcą nauczyć się lub udoskonalić znajomość języka angielskiego .

Ø Nauka języka angielskiego online/ Skype lub u nauczyciela.

-          Nauczyciel koncentruje się tylko na Tobie i Twoich indywidualnych potrzebach

-          Płatność z góry co miesiąc za ilość zaplanowanych zajęć w danym miesiącu

-          To Twój wybór, ile razy w tygodniu uczysz się języka i jak długo trwają zajęcia 

-          Elastyczny plan zajęć: dni i godziny lekcji możesz zmienić (jeśli tylko nauczyciel jest dostępny w danym czasie) 

-          Kurs przydatny również w biznesie lub jako przygotowanie do egzaminów 

Koszt zajęć: 

Ø Dzieci 65 zł za godzinę / 60 minut

Ø Dorośli 110 zł za 90 minut


-                      Możliwość nauki z drugą osobą (koszt kursu dzielony na dwie osoby),

Halina Ostańkowicz – Bazan

(+48) 605 882 586

Monday, October 17, 2016

Halina's English Academy

Private lessons with Halina
I understand what YOU need to succeed with English. I know the essential skills you need to develop to become an effective communicator in English.
I would love to teach you one-to-one!
I am available for private lessons on Skype or in my virtual classroom. My online classroom is equipped with a microphone, camera, whiteboard, media player, file sharing, and a variety of other tools.
I have 25 years of experience teaching private English lessons to adults and adolescents from beginning level to advanced.
My students have included business executives, professors, medicine doctors, engineers, university students, primary and secondary school students, and adults learning English for daily life.
I know I can help you make significant, fast ae well as adequate progress in English.
For your program, you can choose any of the topics listed below or suggest additional topics. I will design the lessons to suit your specific needs.
General Conversation Skills
Everyday expressions, idioms, slang, conversation topics and situations, cultural issues, and skill-building in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.
Business English
Interview and CV preparation, oral and written reports and presentations, formal and informal business meetings, entrepreneurial culture, office English, and skill-building in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.
Academic English
Interview preparation, university applications, oral presentations, academic vocabulary, academic writing and research, academic culture, campus English, and skill-building in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.
Exam Preparation
Single private lessons: $25 per hour or $40 for 90 minutes.
Package of 5 one-hour lessons: $125
Package of 5 90-minute lessons: $200
Package of 10 one-hour lessons: $250
Package of 10 90-minute lessons: $400
Discounts are also available for small group lessons.
Prices include all materials (PDF documents, audio files, and video files) and communication via email or chat.
We can discuss meeting times and payment options during a free consultation.
Please contact me about private lessons.
I hope to meet and begin teaching you soon!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Simulated immersion

Simulated immersion
What is simulated immersion?
Simulated immersion is based on the idea that the best way to improve your listening is to be immersed in the target language in a native speaking environment. In the absence of such an opportunity, we try to simulate the conditions that make immersion favorable.
 Those conditions are:

  • Large amounts of time spent simply hearing the language - several hours per week rather than mere minutes spent in a typical class
  • Maximal exposure to authentic texts
  • Exposure to a wide range of situations and language forms
  • Emphasis on bottom up processing to aid in real-life scenarios

Practical ideas
This is my daughter listening.

Hearing versus listening
In class, teachers invariably set tasks to accompany ‘listenings’. This is understandable - it would be a bit weird to simply press play and hope the students got some value from it.

But simply hearing a language - being exposed to it in the background, in the car, on the radio or TV, or in the form of music, for example, is extremely valuable. It’s a much looser, less structured form of practice than is found in class, but it acclimatizes the learner to the sound systems and structures of the language. I will call this type of listening passive listening.
 Tom Haytonfreelance teacher and trainer

Monday, April 25, 2016

Friday, April 15, 2016

Interview with Burcu Akyol and Marek Kiczkowiak

Interview with Burcu Akyol and Marek Kiczkowiak
Burcu and Marek talked about some the the issues surrounding non native teachers in ELT and the development of the https://teflequityadvocates.com website. - See more at: 
 Click on the link to watch;

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